Grünwelt GmbH


Grünwelt  / Green World



   Grünwelt GmbH was founded in 2015 with the aim of 




      What we do:


Working on clean energy such as solar systems, wind power plants
Providing all kinds of machinery and their spare parts for sale and for rent
Montage and dismmantling of production lines
Raw materials
Real Estate Advisor

Internation Consulting



       Your first and best choice for real estate, commodities and other deals


Projects and Services

Industrial and business consulting

We can provide effective solutions to grow your product and service

Export of technical and engineering services

You can extend your technology to different parts of the world ...
We will be with you.

Import and export of goods and equipment

Gronolet is proud to provide the many goods and equipment needed by many individuals and companies along the Asia-Europe route.

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© Grunwelt GmbH